So tranquil, so perfect for mamas to be! Hands down one of the best massages I’ve ever had. There’s something special about going to a spa where pregnancy is the only focus and the therapists know exactly what a pregnant woman needs. Highly recommended as an essential for pampering throughout pregnancy and during postnatal recovery. Thanks Bella Mama

My weekly massages have been wonderful. Not only have they helped ease all the aches and pains of pregnancy but they have allowed me some weekly indulgence and pure relaxation. I thoroughly recommend Bella Mama massages to anyone wanting some time out and “me time” before your baby arrives.

A massive thank you for an absolutely heavenly home visit postnatal massage yesterday evening – I had the best sleep
I have had in months and feel like a new woman this morning!!

Hi Jo, just wanted to drop you a line to let you know our little daughter Nina Sameya Howie was born on Sunday 12th April after a very quick and efficient 8 hour labour (she is my first so I feel quite proud of this!). She was born at our home in a gorgeous, graceful water-birth. My labour was the most magical, empowering experience and the love I felt for our little girl once she arrived was too much! My husband Edward and I attended your massage course in February and I came to yoga the week before she arrived and I just wanted to say how much your calm and sensitive approach to pregnancy and upcoming labour empowered us both and prepared us emotionally and mentally for the big event. Edward’s touch helped IMMENSELY during my labour – we needed little else other than the ‘contraction distraction’ manoeuvre but he was able to participate and assist me with two thirds of my contractions and it was so special being able to share this with him. (The other third of the time he was zipping around lighting the fire, finding relaxing music, making a loaf of bread(!) and being all round fantastic! So I got through these contractions myself with calm, relaxing breaths.) We both learned so much from you in your course – so much more than a few massage strokes, and we’d like to say thank you so much for sharing your expertise and knowledge with us, it has proven to be invaluable! We will be telling our friends and families about Bella Mama and the wonderful service you offer -many thanks again!

Jo, thank you so much for teaching me the skills and techniques about how to be a great birth partner to my wife not only for pain relief massage but also for the birth experience. When I was invited to the course by my wife, I’m sure the words were different but what I heard was “I need you to spend about $100 to come and give me a massage, oh, it’s on Friday night, and it’ll take 3 hours.” Suggesting i was ‘not pleased’ would be a gross understatement. However, I genuinely enjoyed every minute, genuinely felt I was learning something, and it was actually a great experience to know that i was able to be of not only emotional but also some physical support to my wife while she is going throughout the latter stages of her pregnancy and also the birth. I happily gave her many (reportedly) effective massages leading up to, during and after labour. I learnt more in this 3 hours about how to be a good birth partner than I did in 6 weeks of antenatal classes and it helped me to look at the upcoming birth in a whole different way. Lads, this isn’t a wishy washy waste of 3 hours, it works, I have recommended this class to a number of dads-to-be and I recommend it to you, even if the ABs are playing.

I must also mention, that after attending the massage course, we seem to be much more highly educated than a. the average joe blogs at the ante natal classes and b. most women who have had kids and swear by drugs and induction. We learnt more in your workshop than we have in 3 weeks of ante-natal classes. So we’ve been promo’ing your course everywhere we go. 🙂 We also feel a lot more empowered to make decisions that suit us which is amazing!

If there is one piece of advice I can give – its that all partners should attend Jo’s massage course. Rickie was awesome with his massage and it really, really helped.

A note on the Massage Workshop, I confess I brought a somewhat less than obliging fiancée who balked at giving up his Saturday afternoon to humour me and our unborn child. But drove home with a total convert who has been recommending it to all our mates whether they be pregnant or not!

Hi Jo, I’ve been meaning to email you to say thanks again for the labour massage class Alan used some of the strokes on me in labour while I was in the shower on the Swiss ball and they were great. I had a great labour and now have a beautiful baby girl ,Beatrix Mary, 8lb 13 and no pain relief.

Thanks so much for the course on Saturday… Jared & I found it SO helpful and informative, we learnt so much more than we have at our antenatal classes! We both feel so much more confident going into the birth now. And yesterday Jared gave me a wonderful foot rub, for the first time in our 8 years together! It was worth coming for that alone!! I’ve been raving about it to pregnant friends & their hubbies so I’m sure you’ll get some more bookings. Thanks again.

Dear Jo, This has been a long overdue email since it has been 4 months since I gave birth. I just wanted to say thank you for organizing the “Massage in Pregnancy and Birth Workshop” which my husband Brian and I attended June of last year. We both enjoyed it and following the workshop my husband gave me back massage 3x a week until I was due to give birth! The massage techniques we learned from it also helped me to give birth via a natural (drug free) and normal delivery! Until now I/we couldn’t imagine that I was able to do that since I have low pain tolerance. Although it is really was my goal to give birth drug free for my baby. Brian was great during my labour as he massaged my sacrum as I lent towards the birthing suite wall and swayed my hips. The midwives and my doctor were so impressed and happy with our teamwork during the labour and actual birth. After 5 hours of hospital labour, I gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby girl named Briana Chloe (comes from our name). 🙂 We highly recommend attending the Massage in Pregnancy and Birth Workshop from Bella Mama to all our pregnant friends. 🙂 Again thank you and all the best to you and the rest of the Bella Mama team. Cheers, Cleo and Brian Basco PS. Brian and I had a lovely time with our Bella Mama and Papa massage last Saturday with Becky. 🙂

I loved going to Jo’s Mum & baby yoga class – not only was it relaxing and chilled for us Mum’s the bubs seemed to enjoy it too! Jo is a fantastic teacher and is always available to take your bubs off your hands if they start to bawl. My daughter had plenty of cuddles with Jo and she loved it! Baby massage was also incorporated into the class and there was always lots of laughs and plenty of parenting advice being offered. Any new Mum’s out there whether you are experienced at yoga or not will just LOVE this class! I wouldn’t miss it!

I have been coming to see Jo at Bella Mama for seven years and I plan on never stopping! The massages are amazing and respectful and small personal details and preferences remembered. I adore Jo and would recommend Bella Mama and also the pregnancy and labour massage course to anyone! Jenny P

Today I had the most incredible massage experience at Bella Mama.. I was booked in for a New Bloom Post Natal Massage with Javanese Spice Belly Wrap. It was heaven. I feel like a human again! Thanks Jenny!

“Being pregnant with my son was a wonderful time in my life and having Bella Mama massages played a significant part in making it such a special time for me. A massage was not an indulgence, it was a necessity both physically and emotionally. It was a way to connect with the changes taking place in my body and the new life that was developing inside me. Jo, through her wonderful nurturing manner, was able to relieve both the physical stresses that pregnancy put on my body as well as the emotional strain and stress that I felt in my busy day to day life. After the birth of my son a post natal massage was a welcome relief from the pressures of new motherhood which had brought on a whole new range of physical and emotional strains!(and the cookies were very yummy too!) I would recommend a regular Bella Mama massage to any expectant mum as a necessary element in preparing themselves physically, emotionally and spiritually for the new phase of their life they are embarking upon.”

Wow. Just wow! I am feeling 100 million times better. After a shitty start to my day which included falling awkwardly down a concrete ramp – I just had a 75 minute full body pregnancy massage by Jo at Bella Mama. Actually much more than a massage – a healing experience. My hips are not sore (for the first time in a long time!) and I am so relaxed I feel like I am floating. Thank you so much!! I am so lucky! Can’t recommend this enough!

Would 100% recommend! Was the most amazing experience I feel refreshed, relaxed and pain free. Sophie honestly has magic hands, she also is so friendly and has a beautiful energy. I felt so comfortable while getting massaged I even bought the pillow I was laying on. Can’t wait to go back.
I cannot speak highly enough of the cherishing experience that is a visit to Bella Mama. It is a place where you feel welcomed and valued. The success is all in the details – the beautiful decor, peaceful music, soothing tea, warm foot baths, scented oils, soft blankets, hot towels, and of course, the excellent massages. I have been lucky enough to be cared for by Debs for most of my pregnancy. She is encouraging and supportive, and a talented masseuse. From one session to the next, she remembers the little details I have told her, whether it be the sex of my baby, any pregnancy developments, or just events in my life. It is such careful attention that makes you feel like a special client, and not a number. I really believe that the regular relaxing massages have positively contributed to my pregnancy health to date. I highly recommend Bella Mama and Debs to others.
Thank you again, and congratulations Jojo on creating a business that brings such joy and pleasure to others.
Stephanie M

At 25 weeks pregnant, I was recommended Bella Mama as a good place for some pre baby R & R. Upon browsing their website I discovered they offered a Postpartum workshop …… oh gosh I hadn’t even thought that far ahead! After successfully convincing hubby to come along. We instantly had our eyes opened to all that lies ahead….. up to that point we had only concentrated on the labour and birth! We are and will be eternally grateful for attending this workshop. Jojo Hogan who hosted the workshop is the Bella of Mamas, You could see her passion for this topic flowing as she spoke and her enthusiasm and excitement for each person attending and made us think of our own unique journey and building our “village”. From here, we looked more and more into what we wanted the first few weeks with our new baby to look like ….. and we very eagerly asked Jojo to be part of it and hired her as our Postpartum Doula. We are now 8 weeks in and having Jojo as a part of it with us is an absolute delight. She has made us feel so special, pampered, loved and nourished (literally…. she is such a great chef)… filling our house with smiles, our bodies with tender massages and encouraging us every step of the way. Do not hesitate to work with Jojo, it is a step you will be ever so grateful for.