Mine’s Story – Jann arrives at home.

First of all, Jo, I want to thank you for the great yoga classes and massages that prepared me for this second wonderful experience. On Friday 27th of Feb, our beautiful boy was born. We called him Yann, after my brother back home. As with Jack, we had a home birth, but this time I did not use the birthing pool as I wasn’t very comfortable with the warm water. I did get in a few times (even had a nap in between some of the far apart contractions in the bath) but I just couldn’t stay in.

Labour started at 11pm with my waters breaking and contractions were very random and all over the place. Some very close together, than some 10 min apart. This lasted for 4 hours or so, but by 3.30am I woke up my husband (who had fallen asleep on the couch) and told him that maybe he should call the midwife, although we were not sure if I was progressing or not (contractions were still random but getting very painful). With my first pregnancy, they would build up nicely and get longer and shorter apart, but now it was a totally different story.

Anyway, the midwife arrived just after 4am and Yann was born 10 min later in our living room. It was an amazing experience, although more painfull than the first time around (which I blame on not being rested as well and going into the labour already quite tired).

At 6am (while I was taking a shower) our 2year old, Jack, woke up and he was able to meet his new brother when he was not even 2 hours old. He was very proud but a little confused as to why those ladies (midwives) were in our house at this time of day.

Mine's Story - Jann arrives at home.
We had another great birth and all I have to do now is try to talk John into having another one, so we can do this again. Having the babies at home all makes it so much more relaxed…

Big hugs and kisses from Mine, husband John, Jack and baby Yann.

The photo in attachment was taken just after Jack had woken up to meet his new brother. I am just so in love with my 3 gorgeous boys!

Mine De Belder

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Bella Mama