Massage in Pregnancy & Birth Workshop – Friday 29th November

A fun, practical workshop for women and their birth partners, teaching them the techniques and benefits of massage during pregnancy and in the birth room.

During this workshop, you will learn…

  • Why massage is an essential & much-appreciated way to care for a pregnant woman & her baby
  • The 10 most effective and blissful massage strokes to soothe and relax her during pregnancy and labour
  • 5 important skills that a birth partner can use to play an active and supportive role in the birth process
  • How different massage techniques, positions and breathing can be used during labour to ease discomfort and increase relaxation.
When:              Friday 29th November 6pm to 9pm (tea, coffee and snacks provided)
Location:        The Yoga Tree – Cnr Tennyson and Lake Road, Takapuna
Cost:                 $95 per couple


‘Jo, thank you so much for teaching me the skills and techniques about how to be a great birth partner to my wife not only for pain relief massage but also for the birth experience. When I was invited to the course by my wife, I’m sure the words were different but what I heard was “I need you to spend about $100 to come and give me a massage, oh, it’s on Friday night, and it’ll take 3 hours.” Suggesting i was ‘not pleased’ would be a gross understatement. However, I genuinely enjoyed every minute, genuinely felt I was learning something, and it was actually a great experience to know that i was able to be of not only emotional but also some physical support to my wife while she is going throughout the latter stages of her pregnancy and also the birth. I happily gave her many (reportedly) effective massages leading up to, during and after labour. I learnt more in this 3 hours about how to be a good birth partner than I did in 6 weeks of antenatal classes and it helped me to look at the upcoming birth in a whole different way. Lads, this isn’t a wishy washy waste of 3 hours, it works, I have recommended this class to a number of dads-to-be and I recommend it to you, even if the ABs are playing. Craig, proud father of Lucy

“I must also mention, that after attending the massage course, we seem to be much more highly educated than a. the average joe blogs at the ante natal classes and b. most women who have had kids and swear by drugs and induction. We learnt more in your workshop than we have in 3 weeks of ante-natal classes. So we’ve been promo’ing your course everywhere we go. ???? We also feel a lot more empowered to make decisions that suit us which is amazing!’  Nicola and Dustin

 “If there is one piece of advice I can give – its that all partners should attend Jo’s massage course. Rickie was awesome with his massage and it really, really helped.”  Michelle S.

“Also a note on the Massage Workshop, I confess I brought a somewhat less than obliging fiancée who balked at giving up his Saturday afternoon to humour me and our unborn child. But drove home with a total convert who has been recommending it to all our mates whether they be pregnant or not!” Karen O

Hi Jo,  I’ve been meaning to email you to say thanks again for the labour massage class Alan used some of the strokes on me in labour while I was in the shower on the Swiss ball and they were great. I had a great labour and now have a beautiful baby girl ,Beatrix Mary, 8lb 13 and no pain relief.‘ Francesca.

“Thanks so much for the course on Saturday… Jared & I found it SO helpful and informative, we learnt so much more than we have at our antenatal classes! We both feel so much more confident going into the birth now. And yesterday Jared gave me a wonderful foot rub, for the first time in our 8 years together! It was worth coming for that alone!!  I’ve been raving about it to pregnant friends & their hubbies so I’m sure you’ll get some more bookings. Thanks again.” Sarah & Jared

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