How many times have you wanted a massage but for one reason or another have not been able to make the time or leave the home because of fatigue or other engagements? That is precisely why Bella Mama has created a home visit massage service. Sit back, relax and let us come to you. We are now able to treat mamas in the comfort of their own home. This is ideal for those who may not be able to make it into our clinic and especially suited to pregnant mamas or mothers with young babies who may not want to travel far away from home.
Why not book your partner a massage, too? Services booked at the same time receive a $25 discount on the total cost of both treatments.

This service is available in all Auckland areas. For distances within 18km from the Bella Mama Clinics, travel is included in the home visit treatment cost. For outer Auckland (19 – 30km) areas there is a supplementary $25 travel fee. Please inquire for travel fee prices for locations further than 30km. Please contact us for more information or location queries.

90 mins – $249  |  75 mins – $219  |  60 mins – $199

Phone 09 445 7591 or email to find out more or book a home visit massage

Home Visit Massage

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Bella Mama